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Tender pricing assistance

As a service to our tenderpreneur clients you can download a quotation for the various tenders we have priced.
Click here to check out available tender quotations.

If the tender you are interested in is not listed please email us the tender details including who issued the tender, its reference number and closing date. We will let you know when it has been posted here.

Find more tender information and supporting documents you may need

Terms & Conditions

  1. We can not offer fixed prices beyond the stated date on the Tender pricing schedule (Quotation)
  2. Where we do not stock a specific item called for in the tender we endeavor to offer an equal and/or equivalent product.
  3. Prices are ex Centurion store. Delivery service pricing on request as an additional cost item 
  4. Prices subject to change without notice
  5. Errors & omissions accepted
  6. Supporting documentation such as certificates etc are only available once a purchase has been confirmed-that is paid for
  7. By utalising this service you agree to receive promotional material from our companies


    Our house brands Cleaning Warehouse, Streetwise and Habitat. As good as the best just cheaper!

    Please note prices are subject to change, all orders are subject to confirmation by our sales department.