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Show Riding

The main difference between show riding and other showing classes is that show riding horses don't need to have the same elegance as show hacks or the substance of show hunters: Its more about manners & presentation whereas way more consideration is given to conformation in straight showing classes.  Working Riding horses / ponies will have to complete a series of tests. Obedience, attitude, and temperament are very important. Blemishes and conformation should be as correct as possible.

Then there are the Working classes:

Blemishes will not disqualify, but conformation should be as correct as possible.

An opportunity for all breeds and types of horses and ponies to participate before entering affiliated classes. They are an ideal stepping stone for novice riders and or horses.


Show Riding test

  1. All competitors enter the arena together and ride on right rein, walk, trot when advised by the ring steward, then canter; change rein and repeat.
  2. Line up as directed by the steward
  3. Each shows an in individual test comprising of a walk, trot ( figure of 8 is advisable), lengthened trot, canter on each rein and lengthened canter. Keep it short and sweet.