Om te koop: klik deur na u vereiste produk, klik daarop om die produkbesonderhede te sien. U kan nou 'n mandjie byvoeg, kyk of voortgaan met inkopies .

Belangrike nota: Vir meer inligting oor Covid-19, sien gerus of skakel die SA noodhullyn by 0800 029 999

Local Distributors

Please note distributor prices may vary depending on economic and logistical circumstances, be sure to contact them directly for their current pricing and product range.

Distributor Location Contact Number
Phalabowra Anne: 083 751 1715/083 440 4113
EC2 Clean
Hoedspruit Carika 071 911 9940
Hygiene Corner
Rustenburg Saedi; 082 596 0444
Qwa Qwa
LSM Distributors
Sindi +268 404 9603
Bethlehem Packaging Cc
Bethlehem  Abdul:058 303 3775 
HLD CleanCon
Kempton Park Human:082 779 9531
Kay's Cleaning Hub
Maseru Khodu: +266 580 40116